Self Directed Support

Self Directed Support

Self Directed Support (SDS) is a new approach to accessing and delivering community care, in Scotland. This means that people now have more flexibility, choice and control around their care.
Self Directed Support is available for individuals who have been assessed by their local authority as needing additional care or support to enable them to live a fulfilling life through informed choices and experiences.

Local authorities must offer one of the following options to those in need of additional care and support;

  • Option 1- Your local authority will allocate a budget to you which will be paid as a direct payment. You will receive money to arrange your own support, employ care staff, or buy a service from a care organisation.
  • Option 2- If you do not want to handle money, you can choose a care provider that you want to provide your support and ask your local authority, a broker or a care provider to manage your budget.
  • Option 3- You can ask your local authority to select and arrange the support for you.
  • Option 4- You can also choose to have a mix of options 1, 2 and 3 for different parts of your support.

If you have been allocated Self Directed Support, Fairway Fife can help you to identify & achieve your chosen Outcomes. We will work with you and relevant professionals to build a support plan taking into account your hopes, desires and needs for your future.

Desired outcomes are determined by the aspirations, goals and priorities of each individual and their family. Outcomes are the positive changes which occur as a result of receiving the correct support. For example, an outcome could be focussing on;

  • Improved health & wellbeing
  • Being more socially included
  • Feeling more safe and secure

At Fairway Fife we offer a variety of flexible options for young adults with Learning Disabilities & Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We focus on assisting individuals to safely access, participate, engage and positively contribute in our local community via;

  • Social networks
  • Friendships
  • Social, Employment or Educational opportunities.

If you would like to know more about what Fairway Fife can offer, please get in touch by emailing

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