Fairway Fife is a Peer Mentoring Charity involving people with learning disabilities from 16 years of age.
Our aim is to encourage and support access to social and leisure facilities within our local communities, enabling our members to strive towards living their dreams through the support of their peers, who have similar interests. We want to make a positive difference by recruiting professionally supported committed volunteers who can support our members on their exciting journey. By using a variety of activities as a vehicle, caring relationships can be formed and both members and peer mentors' lives may be enhanced from the benefits gained, helping them all to achieve their highest potential.
'Helping communities come together
to eradicate Discrimination and Isolation'
Find Out More

All Peer Mentors attend a mandatory training course to equip them with the knowledge and understanding of the role and responsibilities as a Peer Mentor.
Other training courses are facilitated to accommodate different training needs e.g. Trek Leader Course, Platinum Youth Achievement Awards, Epilepsy and Disability Awareness, Sign-A-Long, First Aid, Child Protection etc.

Fund Raising
*We rely on donations to help to continue the fabulous work of Fairway Fife, you can help by contacting us to make a donation which is greatly appreciated. You can also sign up to Amazon smile, which means that every time you shop, a donation will be made to Fairway Fife and it doesn't cost you a penny! Amazon Smile

Want to be Involved
To become a Peer Mentor, you must be aged 16 yrs or above and be available to commit to at least four hours per fortnight, for a minimum of one year.
You must be 16 years old or above and want to be around friends of your own age and live in the Dunfermline area. We also struggle to provide transport for everyone, so if you can do some travel yourself, that's great, maybe someone can help you onto the bus and we can meet you at the other end, maybe you live close by and can walk or maybe someone can drop you off and pick you up